About Us

The MIR program, founded in 1998, operates as a weekend program (all classes are offered on Saturday and Sunday), with all classes taking place on Saturdays and Sundays at Thammasat University's Faculty of Political Science, located on the Tha Prachan campus. The program is characterized by its small class sizes, with 25 or fewer students, ensuring personalized and focused attention. 

Prepare yourself to think critically and take action in a rapidly changing world by enrolling in our program. Experience the profound impact of international relations firsthand and become equipped to tackle the complex challenges of our time.


In the 21st century, the world undergoes significant transformations in global politics, shaped by power shifts, disruptive technologies, and emerging challenges. Understanding international relations provides you with a valuable toolkit to navigate and respond to these evolving dynamics of power.

Our program delves into the study of key international actors, including states, international institutions, non-state actors, and individuals. We explore pressing transnational issues such as human rights, climate change, disasters, and the environment. Through our curriculum, you will develop a comprehensive understanding of how diplomacy and foreign policy are enacted on the international stage.

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