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Thousands of marketers have recognized the incredible profit-generating benefits of Squidoo. Some time to capitalize on this comparatively new Web 2.0 marketing opportunity is certainly now. As Squidoos recognition keeps growing, the accessibility to niche keyword lens brands will diminish. As of this writing, there are still very profitable niche keywords open to use as niche contact titles. There are several important steps youll need to implement to ensure success, if your need is to make a profit with your Squidoo contacts. 1. Conduct serious keyword research on your lens. That has to be your first rung on the ladder. The key words in-the title of your Squidoo lens are just as essential because the title of any site. Make use of a good keyword software such as Overture as well as Good Keywords to look for keywords which can be looked between 50,000 and 2,000 times monthly. Even though Squidoo is doing very well in the various search engines, I would not be over-zealous and use keywords which can be sought out over 50,000 times per month. Squidoo allows you to publish up to 20 tags, so you should use all 20 tags and be sure to use 3-4 keyword phrases to create up each keyword. They seem to work better with Squidoo. Get more on generate seo articles by browsing our grand paper. 2. If you have an opinion about marketing, you will perhaps fancy to discover about backlinks. Provide of use material on your own Squidoo contacts for example product evaluations and articles. This can increase your lenses popularity with customers and with the search engines. Also, dont flood your lens with plenty of affiliate links as this could be considered bombarding from the Squidoo staff and may get your lens removed. One to three affiliate links is plenty. Youll also need to use at least three additional segments. I recommend utilising the Amazon, E-bay and RSS modules. RSS feeds will give you new material to your contact which can be always attracting the major search engines. Make sure the FEED you utilize is general and updated often. Seo Link Building Tool is a lofty online database for further about when to engage in it. 3. Find quality incoming links for your Squidoo contact. This is extremely important to your rankings in the search engines. The sites which connect to your Squidoo lens must have a page rank of 4 or higher. Incoming links that work nicely with Squidoo are social bookmarking sites, labeled advertisement sites like Craigslist and social networking sites like YouTube and MySpace. Make sure you follow these web sites instructions. Its also a good idea to place a to your Squidoo site on your blog..