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To qualify for Credit Card Fraud Protection coverage, you should notify us promptly upon loss or unlawful use of your credit or debit card( s ).* Well accept full responsibility for your responsibility for all fraudulent charges to your lost cards from the moment you notify us of the loss/theft of your cards. This responsibility coverage applies and then fraudulent charges that occur while you are a Member of Webloyaltys Reservation Rewards Also, this coverage is additionally and subordinate to any coverage supplied by your card providers and your other insurance carriers. Under Federal law, for money and cash machine cards, consumers liability for fraudulent use of the card is up to 50 if a client notifies the card issuer of card reduction within 2-days. Next, consumers responsibility is around 500. For fresh information, consider checking out Or, if a consumer does not tell the card issuer within 60 days of receipt of a regular statement demonstrating unauthorized charges, then the consumers responsibility is around 50 and the full amount of unauthorized charges that occurred after the 60-day period and before notice, presented that the card issuer confirms that the unauthorized charges would not have occurred if the consumer had informed the card issuer within that time. How to Make a Claim You are able to trigger a claim at Reservation Rewards You should submit a claim within 1 year of the claim that is triggered by the occurrence. You will have to submit a completed claim form plus a copy of-the card statement( s) that includes the liability demand. You need to include the name of the credit/debit card, the state by which it operates and a contact number for the institution( s) if these arent apparent on the copy of the s). Compensation Conditions and Restrictions As a person in Webloyaltys Reservation Rewards, if you are held liable for unauthorized charges made to your credit and credit cards, our Credit Card Fraud Protection reimburses you to the extent of the payment( s) made by you to include fraudulent charges given to you by your card issuer( s ).* The maximum Fraud Protection coverage for credit cards is the lesser of 50 per registered credit card lost or the amount for which a Member is personally held responsible. The most Fraud Protection insurance for debit cards could be the lesser of 500 per registered debit card lost or the total amount for which a Part is personally held liable. The most protection per person (Member) is 1,000 per year. If you think you know any thing, you will perhaps hate to discover about details. Under Federal law, a consumer can be held responsible for as much as 50 in unauthorized charges on each credit card. For debit cards, a client may be held liable up to 500 on each debit card or, in limited situations, up to the total amount in-your account( s). Get more on by browsing our cogent use with. This article is originally published here Reservation Rewards