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รุ่นปรับปรุงเมื่อ 10:05, 3 ตุลาคม 2560 โดย OliverHorton802 (พูดคุย | เรื่องที่เขียน) (สร้างหน้าด้วย "So is six degrees of separation - the theory that everyone on The Planet could be connected to any other with no more than five intermediaries. The theor...")

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So is six degrees of separation - the theory that everyone on The Planet could be connected to any other with no more than five intermediaries. The theory was proposed in 1929 by the Hungarian author Karinthy Frigyes in a short story called Chains. If you believe anything at all, you will maybe need to discover about Note Person Profile Paul Darden. The theory is based on the indisputable fact that the number of contacts grows exponentially with the number of links in the cycle,... My brother discovered more information by searching Google Books. O-nline internet sites - whether private or business are constantly in the news today. Therefore is six degrees of separation - the hypothesis that anyone on Earth could be attached to every other without more than five intermediaries. The hypothesis was initially proposed in 1929 by the author Karinthy Frigyes in a short story called Chains. The theory is founded on the proven fact that the number of acquaintances grows exponentially with the number of links in the sequence, and so just a small number of links is necessary for the set of acquaintances to become the whole adult population. I-t gained support following the 1967 little world experiment by social psychologist Stanley Milgram which suggested that two random PEOPLE in america were certainly connected on average by a series of six friends. Milgram also discovered a funnelling effect where the majority of the connecting was being done by way of a very small number of stars with dramatically higher-than-average connectivity. Social system theory views social relationships when it comes to nodes and ties. Nodes are the people within the networks, and connections are the relationships between them. Hit this link CD Business School - Leadership Development - How Can Your to study the reason for it. According to research carried out by Russell Hill (University of Durham) and Robin Dunbar (University of Liverpool) social network size in contemporary Western society, depending on the trade of Christmas cards, is averaged a maximum of 153.5 using a mean network size of 124.9. In business its estimated the average manager is aware of 250 business people who subsequently know yet another 250 or so business people. This ensures that for each new person you meet, you access a potential pool of 62,500 people separated from you by only two degrees and this is apparently borne out by the numbers for long run users of towns like Linked-in. Social network theory suggests that individual success may be determined by your network and that the form of a social network helps determine a networks usefulness to its people. Smaller, tighter networks have a tendency to be less beneficial to their members than networks with a lot of free connections as more open networks are more prone to introduce new ideas and opportunities to their members than closed networks with many repetitive connections. In other words, a group of friends who just do things with each other already share the same information and possibilities. On the other hand individuals with many connections are more likely to have use of a broader array of information and more likely to be (materially) successful. Based on Thomas Power, the Chairman of Ecademy the worthiness of nodes (close contacts) is the fact that they cause one to links (remote contacts). To research more, please consider having a look at How To Unleash All Your Leadership Prospective. The money, your money, exists within the contacts not the close contacts. Not many people I meet recognize this fact and continue to focus on the close contacts for the money. This is wrong. Close contacts for understanding, distant contacts for money may be the principle. Now social support systems combined with the technology advancements are quickly being a new CRM tool for marketers. Search engines find information and data, but people offer answers to issues. Networks could solve dilemmas for people and on the web systems accelerate and globalize the method. Everyone in a network has at least one area of expertise and provides solutions when questions arise highly relevant to their area of expertise. Most of us know that obtaining the right answer quickly is not easy. but when your network includeshundreds of men and women who will answer questions within the network, your power to get questions answered quickly multiplies exponentially. For marketers the energy of the natural account figures for towns like MySpace (113 million people) or You Tube (just acquired by Google for 1.65 million) is another appeal since the viral buzz could make an overnight success of the product or service. Now it is going further. Multi-player online games are changing and communities like Second Life (380,000 members) have emergedwhere you can become involved in an online community within a 3D world, where people can examine, build, socialize, and participate in their own economy. Wholl release the first MPOG community directed purely at people.Some online business systems Adholes adholes.comAdholes Appreciation Circles affinitycircles.com Appiir www.appiir.com Ask Your Neighbor www.askyourneighbour.co.uk a Small World www.asmallworld.net Biztribe www.biztribe.com BizWiz www.bizwiz.com British Business Membership businessclub.e-combuilder.com Business Partnerships Canada www.businesspartnerships.ca Company Scene www.business-scene.com/index.php Are you able to Connect www.canyouconnect.com/ Contact Net-works www.contactnetworks.com Chairmans Network www.chairmansnetwork.com Creative Match www.creativematch.co.uk Customerforce www.customerforce.com Primary Matches www.directmatches.com Doostang www.doostang.com Ecademy www.ecademy.com Econozco www.econozco.com Entremate www.entremate.com Severe Networking www.extremenetworking.biz First Monday www.firstmonday.com Pleasant Favors www.favors.org ITMob www.itmob.com Start Connect www.kickstart-connect.com Konnects www.konnects.com Knowmentum www.itsnotwhatyouknow.com LinkedIn www.linkedin.com KudosWorks www.kudosworks.com Link Silicon Area www.linksv.com Matcheroo www.matcheroo.com Press Bistro mediabistro.com My Business Buddies www.mybusinessmates.com Netmodular www.netmodular.com System 2 Connect www.network2connect.com Marketing for Professionals www.networkingforprofessionals.com Community Plus www.joinnetworkplus.com Non Execs www.non-execs.com Neurona www.neurona.com Open BC www.openbc.com People that Click www.peoplethatclick.com Send Online www.refer-online.com Ryze www.ryze.com Senior Administration System www.senior-management-network.co.uk Soflow www.soflow.com/ Cultural Company Team www.socialbc.com Secret www.shortcut.nu Teng www.theteng.org Top Contacts www.topcontacts.com Group uk.tribe.net Viaduc www.viaduc.com ZoomInfo www.zoominfo.com/.