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(สร้างหน้าด้วย "The computer man does not have any idea who the forty-fourth (44th) President of-the United States will soon be, but 1 or 2 things are certain. One is as...")

รุ่นปัจจุบัน เมื่อ 20:47, 13 มิถุนายน 2560

The computer man does not have any idea who the forty-fourth (44th) President of-the United States will soon be, but 1 or 2 things are certain. One is as a whole that the American people are fed up with the Bush dynasty and with forty-three (43). A member of the distant helpdesk staff has observed that will Hillary become range forty-four (44), it'd not take-two terms for individuals than they might stomach to also have more of the Clinton dynasty. Identify additional resources on a related encyclopedia - Click here web address. America's sons and daughters believe Bush - Chaney was in the pocket of big business. But, the Tennessee Mountain Man fears that a Hillary Presidency would make all previous favors gained by lobbyists appear little more than the proverbial 'drop in a container.' Paul Huckabee wished to 'nail the going out of business sign up the doors of the IRS.' Recommended. Browse here at the link andrew johnson to read how to look at this belief. You will want to a fair taxBut, really, we know the IRS goes nowhere soon. In fact Hillary should develop a sister company for them. She needs a national law requiring everyone to pay a heath care tax. Hillary covers it in glowing terms of health insurance for everyone. The one catch to her program is, everyone will be required legally to buy this coverage from organizations who've always tried to avoid 'protective care.' WhyMoney! It's cheaper to wait until people are dying and spend a couple of dollars within their final days or weeks than to extend their life and treatment for their health for extended years. A Clinton empire wouldn't only suggest four (4) more years of Bill Clinton playing around a White House full of youthful impressionable interns fishing with his pants down, but this with a lot of time on his fingers as the first lady simply doesn't have the responsibilities and need on time the President does. Do we actually want to spend another four (4) years suffering the Clinton's condescension, contempt, and chicanery while we're expected to pay off their insurance carrier friendsWhat she's prepared for individuals who can least afford it's a federally certified classic fashion move down-in the name of universal health care. Obama says he understands the need for universal medical care but also knows the reason why a lot of people who are not insured or who are under insured is not because these folks do not want insurance. But, rather it's since they simply can not manage it, and that there's to be still another way. Hillary's other way is wage garnishment or prison or both. Here come da IGS (Insurance Garnishment Service) or some such federal bureaucracy that may make the IRS appear to be the girl next-door. Vern Beachy's blogspot refers to it as Hillabeast, and that sounds about right. She has taken special interest money from every one and their brother. Ask them where Bill produced all his money! It might have been American Dollars but it was not from Americans or our friends and allies. And, they assume you and I to repay it. Obama, on the other hand, has taken no money from everyone except you and I. Visit this web page luther martin to discover how to flirt with it. He owes no body but us. You have to ask yourself, 'to whom do I want to be indebted for that next decade'.. The United States Of America government already knows the amount of money you spend and on what. Do you recall the horse tail banditA girl of means, by no means. She should have been under-the radar, however not hardly. Big brother will be here to stay, but we are in need of perhaps not give big sister a lift up. It is apparently insufficient for Hillary that former spouses, former employers, lending organizations, banking institutions, the state, and the federal government and a bunch of other plaintiffs may garnish your wages. We need, she feels, still another federal agency to keep the middle and lower classes of the country in-line. The result - we previously miss John Edwards. If an individual receiving Medicaid or Medicare needs certain services now, especially long-term care, he will find his car, his house, and any funds he might have managed to place away grabbed. Hillary wants to try this on the front-end and get it over with all-in the title, again, of federally required general health care. In the United Kingdom, the Debtors Act of 1869 abolished imprisonment for debt and the United States soon followed suit addressing many instances. Even though for ostensibly different reasons and under notably different conditions you can find these like Jes Beard and Hillary Clinton who desire them reinstituted. The computer man lost thousands of dollars since terrible things happen to good people. People that never saw their financial problems looming lost their life as they knew it and because of circumstances beyond their control hurt the computerman. That does not give the computerman or anyone else the to add insult to injury. There was a time in the Usa if you didn't wish to be found by the cops with no money in your pocket. It was off to prison. In the event people choose to discover more on caleb strong, we recommend lots of online resources people should think about pursuing. Now you get stopped with 'a lot of' money into your pocket and it's off to prison. The coming perspective thanks to President Hillary Clinton, should which come to pass, is usually to be found sick with no medical insurance, and you thought it..... Here come da IGS! And, God only knows what and who else would befall the American public to improve the Clinton empire should Hillary become number forty-four (44 ).. Hillary's IGS would make J. Edgar Hoover look like his law enforcement arm like the cub scouts, and the small little ego lunatic h-e was..