Faculty Grant

Descriptions and Objectives The Faculty of Political Science, Thammasat University provides partial scholarships to students who are currently enrolled as full-time undergraduate or postgraduate students in the Faculty of Political Science, and are participating in one or two semester study exchange programmes or short term study programmes, such as intensive summer schools. The objectives of this scholarship scheme are to promote cross-institutional student mobility and to provide appropriate financial support for students who are studying at the faculty’s partner institutions abroad. Selection Criteria The Selection Committee considers the following criteria when selecting appropriate scholarship recipients and an appropriate amount of each scholarship.  A country and/or a region of study Duration of study Grade point average (GPA) score English Proficiency Standards Test Score (TOEFL, IELTS, TOEIC, TU-GET, etc.) Other appropriate, necessary or compassionate reasons that any member of the committee identifies and that are fully acknowledged by all committee members FAQs Forms Pre-departure form o Thai Program                    [click] o International Program [click] Scholarship Application form [click] The general information about applying for study aboard at the partner university.        
Course Equivalency form o Thai Program [click] o International Program [click]